Our Webinars
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These webinars look at the deep changes we need to create a pathway to survival.
Handcuffed by trade agreements!?
Jane Kelsey
8 December 2022
“The international community is falling far short of the Paris goals, with no credible pathway to 1.5°C in place. Only an urgent system-wide transformation can avoid climate disaster.” UNEP, October 2022.
How much is Aotearoa handcuffed in taking climate action by our trade agreements?
In this webinar Prof. Jane Kelsey looks at the Trojan Horse of the international trade and investment agreements covering climate and environment, and how these perpetuate harm, promote market solutions, empower polluters and handcuff effective action.
Jane Kelsey is an activist and critical academic on colonisation, neoliberalism and globalisation. As a recently-retired professor of Law, Jane has written extensively in all these areas. She has also worked on campaigns in Aotearoa and internationally against neoliberalism and agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), provided expert evidence in Waitangi Tribunal claims and the Urewera raids, run training workshops for activists and NGOs, advised governments from the Global South, and spent too much time on aeroplanes. Now she is pleased to be staying home.
An economy designed for wellbeing – what will it take?
Gareth Hughes and Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa
1 December 2022
The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) is a global alliance of organisations and individuals working on practical ways to move from an economic system based on endless growth and short-term profit to one designed for the well-being of all people and the planet within our resource limits.
Gareth outlined practical steps we can take to make this transition and build on modern economic ideas such as Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics, steady-state or circular economy and degrowth, and how he is working with WEAll to build a movement in Aotearoa to make this happen.
Gareth has spent his entire adult life working for progressive causes – as a Greenpeace campaigner, as a Green MP and an activist. He’s taken part in non-violent direct action, has passed laws and led campaigns that helped end offshore oil exploration in New Zealand and more.
We feel Gareth and WEAll share our sense of the urgency of this moment, and the deep transformational changes needed to meet the climate and social justice crises that we face.
The WEAll Aotearoa website is https://weall.org/newzealand.

Aotearoa in 2035 in our best imaginings!
Sharing our visions
17 November 2022
This was a discussion sharing our visions of how we want our society and lives to be in 10 years’ time – to make it easier to get there.
Read the visions and join the conversation here.
Te Tiriti-based Citizens Assemblies – Doing democracy better
Te Reo o Ngā Tāngata | The People Speak
6 October 2022
This webinar was about two local initiatives exploring Te Tiriti based Citizens’ Assemblies.
Te Wehi Ratana of XR Whakatu (Nelson) talked about their local campaign to demand a Te Tiriti Based Peoples Assembly for their local community and how combining tactics of civil disobedience and community engagement lead their campaign.
Then Ashleigh Sagar, Ngāti Toa, and Cally O’Neill, Tauiwi, talk about The People Speak | Te Reo o Ngā Tāngata. Based in Greater Wellington Te Upoko o te Ika, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and The People Speak (a grassroots group based in Te Upoko o te Ika) are working together to co-design Te Tiriti based deliberative democratic processes in response to the climate crisis for Porirua.
How can we do democracy better? How can decisions be made that are truly just and considerate of people, environment and planetary future?
We must get past ongoing colonialism and the demands of corporations and vested interests, with their influence on Parliament, political parties and elected bodies, maintaining Business-as-usual and its disastrous consequences.
To make a democracy that really works for us all, we need new forms, Citizens’ Assemblies or Wānanga, to engage all our best thinking and commitment.
Ashleigh and Cally addressed some of the important questions that both partners are dealing with as they set up their ongoing forum – like
How do tāngata whenua and tauiwi co-create a new way of coming together and decision-making that involves ordinary people and connects mana whenua, wider communities and local or central Govt based on shared values and tikanga?
Peak everything, what does that mean for food and energy futures?
Mike Joy
1 September 2022
Civilisation is facing peak everything, and climate change is but one symptom. We are hitting the limits to growth we were warned about from the 1970s.
Dr Mike Joy looked at our possible futures – sustainable and unsustainable. He considered how we are exceeding biophysical limits in Aotearoa and how we all take cheap fossil fuel energy for granted. We need to make the energy transition away from fossil carbon – this has major implications for how we produce our food and use our energy and the kind of lives we lead.
The slides from this presentation can be found here.
About Dr Mike Joy
Mike has been working for two decades at the interface of science and policy in Aotearoa and is well-known as a strong advocate for urgent, decisive action to protect our whenua, awa and Te Taiao which we depend on for survival. This Frank Films video “Dairy Farming on the Plains – was it a mistake?” is one example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugg5B8MyeAM.
Why should climate activists care about the Tiriti?
Catherine Murupaenga Ikenn
18 August 2022
Catherine (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kuri) is an indigenous rights activist working on human and environmental rights in Aotearoa and overseas. She’s held positions as Senior Indigenous and Minorities Fellow at UN Pacific Field Office in Suva, as Negotiator for the Ngati Kuri Historical Treaty Claims settlement and Indigenous Human Rights Fellow at UN in Geneva.
In this webinar Catherine talks with Torfrida, building a solid case for the inclusion of indigenous voices at all levels of activism.
Using less – and sharing it more fairly
John Minto & Jason Hickel
4 August 2022
A brief video by Jason Hickel on ‘why less is more’, followed by a presentation by John Minto on how we can and must reduce inequality through taxation reform.